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Tim Kordula
Sunday, 25 March 2012 00:00 | Three Lakes, WI
Please keep this icon of racing going!!!!
Monday, 19 March 2012 00:00
we need the Mile and we need more fans to support it
joe sutton
Friday, 16 March 2012 00:00 | minneapolis
pave the center with a race corse like a mini daytona, please save the track....
em sutton
Friday, 16 March 2012 00:00 | mpls
keep the oldset trak open
Kenneth Meidinger
Thursday, 15 March 2012 00:00 | Oconomowoc, WI
I remember the dirt track in the infield, the exciting races during the fair. Too many memories to list.
Chris Boyington
Monday, 12 March 2012 00:00 | New Berlin WI
One of the reasons I let my wife talk me into moving to the Milwaukee area is this track, and getting to see a race every now and then.
Tom Dalfonzo
Sunday, 11 March 2012 00:00 | south amboy nj
The Milwaukee Mile is the oldest race track in America. It is a fantastic racing experience, as well as a great fan destination in Milwaukee. It deserves to not only be renovated, but also to land itself a Cup Series race, something I can't believe it never had once in all the years The Milwaukee Mile has been open.
Madeleine Muschelewicz
Thursday, 08 March 2012 00:00 | Milwaukee
The Milwaukee Mile is the best thing this city has to offer, it needs to stay.
Michael Long
Thursday, 08 March 2012 00:00 | Browndeer
What a huge loss it would be to lose this event in Milwaukee. I have attended this race just about yearly since i was a young boy, over 40 years now. Its just as exciting to be at being 47. Dont cheat are youth of this fine sport and thank you Andretti's for taking a stand for Milwaukee.
Sunday, 04 March 2012 00:00 | Madison
Save the Mile!
gerald hagopian
Thursday, 01 March 2012 00:00 | milwaukee
there is very few things that we call "heritage" left. Wisconsin has one of the most unique venues of its kind left in the world. Lets not modernize ourselves out of existence.
Patti Immekus
Thursday, 09 February 2012 00:00 | West Allis
I'm born, raised and still reside near The Mile. I actually love the noise and the hustle and bustle it brings to the neighborhood. I grew up with it, so it brings back lots of good memories as a kid growing up in West Allis! I also love the history it holds. I would absolutely hate to see The Mile go. Save The Mile and bring back races!!
Nick Pearson
Wednesday, 08 February 2012 00:00 | Park City, UT/ Mukwonago, WI
Bring open wheel back to the Mile!!!!
Matt Odland
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | Wausau, WI
Make oval racing work in Wisconsin. Save the Mile!
Mitch Robinson
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | Carmel, IN
The Mile has to be my favorite oval in the world outside of my home track in Indianapolis. Not a cookie cutter, and it has tradition! Great races every time, and most importantly a Milwaukee icon. I wouldn't care about Milwaukee at all if not for the Mile! Please keep her!
Kelly Johnson
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | Milwaukee, WI
I had a lot of great times at the Milwaukee Mile and would hate to see it closed. Every effort needs to be made to ensure that major league racing continues at this historic track.
Steven Robinson
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | Wisconsin
I'm a NASCAR guy and would really like to see stock cars back on the Mile, but at this point would gladly attend an IndyCar race if that helps the cause. Save the Mile!
ian kelsey
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | west virginia
Save it
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | Texas
It would be a tragedy of epic proportions to lose this venue to "modernization." Lawmakers: Think of history rather than the bottom line, for a change. Leave the Mile alone!
Rick Tolfa jr.
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | Muskego,WI.
Someone needs to actually promote the Indycar race if they come back! You never hear or see anything about that race but yet you cant go 5 minutes on tv without hearing the word Nascar. I have been to atleast 35 Indycar races at the mile and think the race is almost always one of the best on the schedule. They really need Indycar at this track, its a great track and should be used!
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 | Chicago
I've been to several IndyCar races at the Mile and it is not only a great event for the fans but also one of the drivers' favorite tracks. The racing has always been highly entertaining and with the right promoter and a title sponsor, the Milwaukee IndyCar race can again be one of the most successful races in the series. It would be a terrible shame if the county and state do not continue to invest in the Mile and support one of the oldest races in American motor sports history.
Dana Bertling
Monday, 06 February 2012 00:00 | Waterford, WI
Keep Milwaukee Mile going. We can get this track back to full capcity through promoting it. It wont happen over night but within 3 yrs we could have this track back in the circuit. We can have Nascar and Indy in here and give Milwaukee County and West Allis a good tourist income by having this track an active track. Its all boils down to word of mouth and promoting it outside of Wisconsin as well. Promote the track at every other race and that will get people outside of Milwaukee on board as well. This would be one of the best things that the politians could keep. Its historical, money gold mine and something that doesnt required a lot of changes and up keep to keep it going. There is a lot that can go into this to continue to generate a steady flow of income year after year. But it depends on promoting it. Get out of Wisconsin and promote the Milwaukee Mile at the other races. If people dont know its there they wont come. Have something that stands out at each race that will stay with the fans that came so it will also remain in the minds of people who do attend.
Monday, 06 February 2012 00:00 | Wausau, WI
I've been to the last 2 Indycar races, and if they decide to come back I'll be one of the biggest promoters!
Monday, 06 February 2012 00:00 | Minneapolis, MN
We attended our very first Indycar race at the Mile last year and hope it is not the first AND the last! We loved watching the race and just wished there was a little more excitement around the event and better attendance. I don't think the people of Milwaukee know what a gem they have there. Let's help them realize it!
Monday, 06 February 2012 00:00 | Hales Corners, WI
The loyal racing fan base of southeastern WI deserves an active racing facility like this. Someone with money who KNOWS something about the racing business needs to be found to run the Mile. Then the Fair Park board needs to step back and give them a chance to make it work.
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